Crambe tatarica L.
Brand: Gavrish
Packaged:0,5 g
Availability:In Stock
2.18€ 2.37€
Ex Tax: 1.79€
Tartar Bread-Plant "Picadrom" (Tatar horseradish) - Crambe tatarica.
An improved analogue of horseradish!
A two- to three-year-old crop grown as an improved analogue of horseradish. Tartar bread-plant roots are richer in chemical composition and taste, and are also more technologically advanced for processing (the root does not branch). The variety is recommended for use in fresh and processed form, both roots and leaves.
The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, well leafy. The leaf blade is bluish-green, obovate, pinnately dissected with a smooth surface.
The root crop is conical, 40 cm long, 4 cm in diameter. The weight of the root crop is up to 900 g. The colour of the root crop bark is gray-brown. The pulp is white, aromatic, with a taste and aroma like horseradish.
Sowing seeds in open ground before winter or in spring after 3 months of stratification. The recommended planting pattern is 70x40 cm.
The average yield is 3.9 kg/m2.
1,0 g = 28-39 seeds.

Tatari krambe Crambe tataria Катран татарский
Tatar breadplant.

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